Private Equity Fund Analysis Software

Evaluate more funds with less time and greater confidence

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Empower your team to drive investment alpha

CEPRES Fund Screener provides LPs with pipeline management and fast, powerful analysis on GP track records. Manage your forward calendar and planned commitments, request track record data for analysis and collaborate with colleagues to streamline your underwriting process allowing you to focus on the funds that matter most to you.

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Look through to drivers of risk and returns

Track pipeline status, GP track records, access investment committee dates and more. Explore if a GPs performance is repeatable or propped up by the success of one deal.

Move beyond spreadsheets

Instantly get detailed fund, deal and operating company analyses with single-click analytics. From IRR and TVPI to EBITDA multiples and value creation, CEPRES provides the private equity data you need to make better investment decisions.

Supercharge your pipeline management

With CEPRES Fund Screener you can shift your pipeline management from Excel to a purpose-built, easy-to-use system. Manage your pipeline with an unlimited number of due diligence cases. All on a scalable system that allows you to redeploy time more strategically.


Typically, CEPRES clients cut their fund screening time by 75%, allowing them to redeploy time more effectively.


CEPRES Fund Screener can enable LPs to review four times as many track records within the same time horizon.


Upload data to self-service or have CEPRES works directly with your GPs to source the data you need to meet your underwriting needs. We verify every data point, down to deal cash flows and company operating data, ensuring that 100% of your data is accurate, actionable and governed.

Generate instant analytics to power better investment decisions

With increasing market volatility and risk, choosing private illiquid funds with 10+ year lockups is challenging. Some investors still use customized sales CRM systems and manual Excel files for track record analysis. This creates complexity in pipeline management and the risk of errors in track record analysis. CEPRES Fund Screener is designed for the job so you can spend less time manipulating data and more time evaluating and making investment decisions with the information you need at your fingertips.

CEPRES's data advantage

Thanks to CEPRES, we could triple our US lower-mid market buyout allocation by expanding our due diligence efforts massively. All with a PE team of three.

Investment Manager Pension Plan


Helping a large insurer slash due diligence time by 25%

An insurer spent significant time engaged in GP screening and track record due diligence. CEPRES provided the LP with a detailed fund, deal and operating company analysis and the ability to benchmark against 100k+ deals. The insurer immediately realized 25%-time savings by replacing manual analysis with an automated, systematic one. It also gained a complete audit trail for all investment decisions to present to the investment committee.



Private Markets Rebound: Why Effective Due Diligence is Mission Critical

After two years of stagnation, private investors (LPs) are eager to deploy new capital. Activity is rising, but in today’s volatile market, disciplined due diligence is vital. Selecting the right General Partner (GP) and understanding their return strategies across economic cycles are more critical than ever.

Dive into our whitepaper to strengthen your investment approach and ensure you navigate these challenges successfully.


Private Equity Asset Allocation Models: Why High-Quality Data is Paramount

Private equity asset allocation models are sophisticated frameworks used by investors to strategically distribute their capital across different types of assets within the private equity universe. Asset allocation decisions involve determining the appropriate mix of investments across various asset classes, such as venture capital, growth equity, and buyouts, as well as considering factors like industry focus, geographic allocation, fund type, risk management strategies, and liquidity considerations.


Benedikt Hoefelmayr interviewed at BAI AIC 2024

Watch Benedikt Hoefelmayr's full interview at BAI AIC on Private Equity Liquidity Management in times of ELTIF2.

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Drive better investment outcomes with CEPRES Fund Screener