Private Equity Fund Performance Analysis Software

Transform your private equity due diligence from a cost center to an alpha driver

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De-risk your underwriting decisions

Tap the most comprehensive and accurate private equity fund performance data to deep dive into GP track records and operational KPIs of your potential investments to understand what drives performance and hidden risks.

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Securely share your private market data

Leverage fully encrypted and confidential data rooms that unite GPs and LPs. Access shared data in a non-anonymized and non-aggregated format to perform detailed analyses and share insights with stakeholders.

Drill down into GP performance

Instantly generate fund, deal and operating company analyses, including IRR, TVPI, EBITDA multiples, value creation and more. Leverage limitless drill-down options and filter flexibility, giving you a complete view of a GP’s performance.

Benchmark your GPs

Integrate with CEPRES Benchmarking to get robust peer comparisons and understand GPs’ performance relative to the marketplace and its peer set. Select the right GPs to meet your portfolio’s goals.


CEPRES has full data coverage of 93 of the PEI 100, ensuring LPs have track record analysis data on the most influential GPs in private equity.


CEPRES covers more than 12,000 funds, enabling you to run true benchmarks on GPs.


CEPRES clients typically cut their fund due diligence time by 75%.

Generate instant analytics to power better private market investment decisions

Standardizing and securing GP data to fit your analysis framework creates risk and can consume an outsized percentage of your time. CEPRES’s standardized data framework enables you to spend your time making capital decisions instead of building complex macros or tracking dozens of spreadsheets at a time. CEPRES’s Excel Add-In allows you to easily upload any GP’s track record into one of our preloaded templates and instantly connect the data to CEPRES and immediately begin analysis.

Our data advantage

Thanks to CEPRES, we could triple our US lower-mid market buyout allocation by expanding our due diligence efforts massively. All with a PE team of three.

Investment Manager Pension Plan


Helping an LP mechanize its quantitative due diligence

An LP struggled to evaluate GPs effectively and systematically. The LP migrated its due diligence to CEPRES to review numerous GPs on its radar and expand its focus. The LP gained an efficient, repeatable quantitative due diligence process that enabled them to focus on qualitative due diligence and analysis.



Cash Pacing: Macro and Market Headwinds Create Headaches for LPs

Limited partners (LPs) now see private market funds as central to their investment strategies, driven by a need for diversification and strong return potential. The long-term appeal of private markets, especially private equity, remains strong, with allocations expected to grow. However, rising interest rates have increased borrowing costs, challenging debt-driven returns and lowering potential exit values. Consequently, the relative appeal of private markets may seem reduced as the risk-free rate rises.


Private Markets Rebound: Why Effective Due Diligence is Mission Critical

After two years of stagnation, private investors (LPs) are eager to deploy new capital. Activity is rising, but in today’s volatile market, disciplined due diligence is vital. Selecting the right General Partner (GP) and understanding their return strategies across economic cycles are more critical than ever.

Dive into our whitepaper to strengthen your investment approach and ensure you navigate these challenges successfully.


Private Equity Asset Allocation Models: Why High-Quality Data is Paramount

Private equity asset allocation models are sophisticated frameworks used by investors to strategically distribute their capital across different types of assets within the private equity universe. Asset allocation decisions involve determining the appropriate mix of investments across various asset classes, such as venture capital, growth equity, and buyouts, as well as considering factors like industry focus, geographic allocation, fund type, risk management strategies, and liquidity considerations.

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