Date published: September 15, 2022
CEPRES Fund Screener
CEPRES Fund Screener is a groundbreaking solution providing LPs with pipeline management and fast, powerful analysis on GP track records. Use CEPRES Fund Screener to manage your forward calendar and planned commitments, request track record data for analysis and collaborate with colleagues to streamline your underwriting process allowing you to focus on funds that matter most to you.
CEPRES Fund Screener underwent some major upgrades to improve the user experience and platform functionality.
Users can now view and edit details of due diligence cases without the need of navigating to the analysis page. This new implementation provides users with more flexibility while using CEPRES Fund Screener.
Additionally, CEPRES Fund Screener users can now collaborate with colleagues in different ways. Users can share due diligence cases more easily, provide commentary for all team members to see and can add additional files and notes with just one click.
CEPRES Fund Screener also received an upgrade to the way users add contacts to the platform. Previously, to add a new contact, users had to populate all contact details to save a contact. Now, with the new upgrade, users only have to include one piece of information to save a contact. Additionally, the new upgrade enables users to edit contact details, which was not possible before.
CEPRES Analysis Builder
CEPRES Analysis Builder is a newly built analysis tool that provides users with high-level data and time series analysis.
In September, CEPRES Analysis Builder underwent some platform changes to enhance and improve how users used the platform to provide quicker and easier analysis.
The main way users can view analysis is by viewing the shared dashboard which can be found within their dashboard area. Users can re-pin a shared custom dashboard(s) enabling them to compare analyses over a range of periods as required.
Currently to date, only CEPRES account managers can create and share dashboards. If a user requires analysis to be conducted, this can be requested by contacting your account manager.
For more information on the CEPRES Fund Screener or CEPRES Analysis Builder, please contact your account manager or the CEPRES team.