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CEPRES Predictive Intelligence

A monumental day for CEPRES Predictive Intelligence

CEPRES Predictive Intelligence

The most intelligent private market system has gotten even smarter.

Since launching the new product generation last year, CEPRES Predictive Intelligence has made significant waves to help manage cash pacing, overcome the denominator effect, mitigate regulatory risk and more. Within the first six months of launching, more than 10 of the largest asset owners in the world have begun using the new generation of CERPRES Predictive Intelligence as their system of choice to plan and manage their complete private market business. Many more are currently evaluating the new CEPRES Predictive Intelligence as a valuable addition to help them observe and manage the uncertainties of the future.

Recent feature additions as of February 8, 2023.

CEPRES Predictive Intelligence now runs capital-call stochastics based on 100k+ data feeds enabling supervised learning for more precise macro-adjusted pattern risk modeling. Additionally, we have added several data upload improvements allowing you to handle complex portfolio structure inputs more easily.

Recent feature additions include:

Cash flow pattern - capital call uncertainties and risk: CEPRES Predictive Intelligence now learns from our large empirical data universe on more than 11,000 funds and 110,000 deals for the specifics of stochastic capital call movements in comparable macro situations. This feature draws fitting capital call likelihoods for each month taking autocorrelations into account. The current implementation applies this intelligent enhanced capital call stochastics for the following investment strategies in different macro stages.

New smart patterns methodology include:

  • Buyout (different stages)

  • Infrastructure

  • Private debt mixed unitranche

  • Private debt senior

  • Private debt subordinated

  • Real estate opportunistic

  • Rest estate value add

  • Secondary buyout

  • Secondary venture capital

  • Venture capital early seed

  • Venture capital early seed slow market

  • Venture capital later

  • Venture capital later slow market

Enhanced Excel links

Enhanced Excel upload function for complex portfolio hierarchy uploads: Upload complex structures with hundreds of investments and legal entities and thousands of cash flows within a matter of minutes. This update enables you to use the Excel upload function for a direct implementation of very complex portfolio structures. This can all be interconnected without the demand for an API integration or further modeling in the embedded Hierarchy Builder itself.

Download simulation inputs: Download outputs and simulation inputs in Excel. Make any adjustments you wish and re-upload the updated investments to our system. Use CEPRES Predictive Intelligence with the tools you already use or treat it as your system of record.

Realized investments: CEPRES Predictive Intelligence now covers realized investments or funds as portfolio constituents even if they don’t impact future developments. This enables a broader “backwards looking” monitoring of historical commitments. Full capabilities of portfolio monitoring are available within our complementary CEPRES Portfolio Monitoring.

For more information on CEPRES Predictive Intelligence, please contact your account manager or the CEPRES team.

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