CEPRES Look-through Data
Achieve investment transparency with real-time, high-quality private markets data
Identify emerging trends, assess risk factors, and benchmark your portfolio with greater precision
Investors need accurate, high-quality data on private market investments to fully understand their portfolios. The more detailed and precise this data is, the better able they are to make informed decisions and improve investment returns.
CEPRES Look-through data is the gold standard for private market data. Based on the underlying cash flows and operating metrics of a fund’s portfolio companies and assets, look-through data can help evaluate asset-level capital-weighted returns, delivering insights into the true value and performance drivers of investments.
Sourced from GPs around the world, CEPRES gets direct look-through data from GPs' own Investment Book Of Record (IBOR), bypassing the need for investors in search of high-quality data to scrape third-party data off the web or utilize AI tools.
CEPRES has helped thousands of LPs and GPs securely share look-through data on over 130,000 deals based on cash flows and operating metrics across private equity, venture, credit, real estate, and infrastructure. The accuracy and granularity of CEPRES’s best-in-class look-through cash flow data delivers unparalleled visibility to help investors better understand private market investments.
For GPs
Prove Success: GPs can analyze performance at the fund, deal, and operating levels and compare their results with other funds and deals to show how their strategy can help an LP hit their portfolio targets.
Analyze Deals and Trends: GPs can better understand and present the key factors driving consistent returns. They can demonstrate their value creation strategy, revenue and EBITDA growth, and control of leverage.
Provide Better Data to LPs: GPs can give LPs more accurate and meaningful insights and provide a higher standard of data for portfolio requests and due diligence questionnaires. By delivering a wide range of deep metrics, GPs can reassure both existing and prospective LPs about their methods.
For LPs
Focus On Actual Cash Flows: LPs gain insight into revenue growth, profit margins, leverage, and value creation. By tracking an investment’s real inflows and outflows – along with factors like pacing, expenses, and distributions – LPs get a fuller picture.
Debt And Liquidity Analysis: LPs can examine factors such as debt and liquidity, enabling the calculation of key risk metrics such as recovery, loss, and default rates.
Better Benchmarking: Because the cash flow method is uniform across GPs, LPs can more easily benchmark a GP against industry standards or competitors to facilitate comparative analysis that identifies outliers and performance differentials.
Performance And Operating Metrics: LPs can track historical trends, letting them model future performance and estimate returns. They can also assess a GP’s execution and value creation strategy by examining operating metrics that identify areas for operational improvement at portfolio companies.
CEPRES works directly with GPs to source the data you need to meet your portfolio goals. We verify every data point, down to individual operating cash flows, ensuring that 100% of your data is accurate, actionable and governed.
With more than 13,000 funds and 1,000,000 cash flows, CEPRES provides the most accurate, actionable private market data.
Leverage 50+ years of portfolio company cash flow performance as empirical evidence to make more informed investment decisions.
What Makes Us Different
As the first to offer 'look-through' private market funds data, CEPRES provides insights into underlying deal and asset performance with unmatched granularity.
Given the privacy and confidentiality of private markets, it can seem challenging to achieve the gold standard of look-through data. Some investors rely on third-party or AI tools for data scraping, only to get buried in masses of unstructured data.
But CEPRES has taken a different approach through its confidential data network, which connects LPs to their GPs for secure exchange of granular investment grade data. Rather than take second- or third-hand data from scraping reports, websites, etc., investors can leverage CEPRES’ 38,000 + contractual agreements with GPs around the world to get direct look-through data from their own Investment Book Of Record (IBOR).
How We Can Help You
Thousands of LPs and GPs have securely shared look-through data on over 130,000 deals across 18,000 private market funds covering private equity, venture, credit, real estate, and infrastructure. The accuracy and granularity of CEPRES’ best-in-class look-through data delivers unparalleled visibility to help investors better understand:
Real Returns: Tracks actual cash distributions, revealing their impact on capital.
Risk Assessment: Monitors portfolio companies’ financial health and its effect on returns.
Liquidity Management: Helps plan for liquidity needs and predict cash distributions.
Performance Evaluation: Offers transparency into portfolio company performance and fund goals.
Rigorous Analysis: Enables flexible fund and deal analysis, including pooled IRRs, ‘what-if’ scenarios, and multi-currency handling.
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