Risk-Adjusted Returns are the new key measure to understand how private debt performs versus other asset classes like buyouts, stocks, fixed income, etc.
During the run-up to the global financial crisis, median IRR returns declined significantly from almost 30% IRR in the early 2000s to nearly 10% IRR in 2007/2008. This trend aligns with the increasing leverage multiples and loss rates during that period. By 2009, investment deal activity in the industry as a whole was essentially at a standstill as governments around the world were working out and implementing financial stimulus (i.e. liquidity) packages to get their economies going again.
Read the CEPRES Private Debt Report Highlights
The full Private Debt Market Report contains:
Performance Overview
Default Ratios Overview
Performance and Structure of Sponsored vs. Non-Sponsored Transactions
Special Analysis (Trends on the Private Debt Market)